Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who's a slacker?

ME!! It's been a year since my last post. That's like, 30 years in social media time. Boy, does that make me feel lazy. I swear, I'm alive.

New sketch for "The Three Heads in the Well," (full story here) a possible personal project I may be jumping into:

I had initially drawn a thumbnail of this a LONG while back, but I never got around to cleaning it up until this afternoon. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that when I initially drew the thumbnail, my studio had been moved to a common area in a giant Victorian house infested with cats, fleas, and, even worse still, filthy hippies.

Since then, I've moved out with the significant other to a place inhabited just by us with AMPLE studio space (aka, the "Man Cave"). I plan on locking myself in and chaining myself to the drafting table, just like the old times.

Other things that have happened over the past year:
  • Began studying for the MTELS (for realz this time)
  • Developed a passion for burritos
  • Started writing a comic (also for realz this time)
More updates soon. Legit, I swear.

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